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Learning and synaptic plasticity require the synthesis of new proteins
For long-lasting changes in synaptic strength, new proteins must be synthesised. These proteins are believed to support the structural and functional modifications required for both the manifestation and maintenance of synaptic plasticity- and learning itself.
To truly understand learning at a molecular level- we need to understand the function and regulation of its underlying protein synthesis.

nascent protein
Around 5000 mRNAs can be transported to distal sites, axons and dendrites, within neurons. These mRNAs can be used to fuel localised protein synthesis at distal sites- including the synapse.
Synapses however, are small, and individual mRNAs are sparse. So how can you have such diversity and spatial constraints?

Synapses only transiently associate with individual mRNAs at any given moment, with neurons utilising active trafficking of mRNAs in dendrites and axons to allow individual mRNA molecules to be utilised by a number of synapses.
Activity dependent capture of mRNAs allows selective proteins to be made, on demand, at the sites where these proteins are needed.
Our work ams to understand how synapses capture mRNAs and the subsequently decide which mRNAs to make into proteins.

main interests of the lab:
what is the molecular logic underlying the synaptic capture of mRNAs and subsequent decision to translate them?
what is the actual function of locally synthesized
proteins at the synapse?
how do complex neuronal circuits (ie in vivo) use
synaptic capture of mRNA?
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